Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Doctor Who, say it ain't so

I admit to being a closet sci-fi nerd. I loved Star Trek the Next Generation and Star Trek Enterprise, the orginal Stargate (movie) and I've gone to see all of the most recent Star Wars movies on opening night. But, early last year, something happened that changed sci-fi for me forever. I discovered Doctor Who. Pure campy awesomeness imported from the UK. I searched out as many episodes on YouTube as possible and caught up with weekly showings on BBC America.

Admittedly, I do favor Christopher Eccleston's (on the left) Doctor Who to David Tennant (on the right), which seems to be opposite to popular opinion. Don't get me wrong, I really got to like David Tennant's character as time went on - especially in the last season.

Now, they have announced that there will be a NEW Doctor Who. A younger Doctor Who. Why? Don't they know that change is hard for me? Just kidding. I'm sure that I'll adjust - probably just in time for yet another replacement. Pardon me while I pout.

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Okay, all done.

Here is a pic of the New Improved Doctor Who Upgrade - Matt Smith

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