Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Bangs Look Good and Other Lies I Tell Myself

I was on a book buying hiatus. I really was. I have at least four books in my "to read" pile and was planning on finishing them before I even set foot in a book store. Ah, Barnes and Noble, alas, I find you irresistible.
I found the Confessions of a Tired Supergirl blog several weeks ago, and just loved Susanna Aughtmon's sense of humor. When I read the description of her new book, it went on my "to read" list. When I found the book at Barnes and Noble, it went with me to the check out.
My Bangs Look Good and Other Lies I Tell Myself is a book containing some very powerful Biblical truths disputing some very rotten lies we tend to believe about our relationship with God, such as God is Disappointed in Me, I Am Stuck in My Present Circumstances, I Need To Be Good So God Will Love Me, and many more. Each of these lies are dispelled with gentle humor, like a conversation with a girlfriend who just "gets it". The author weaves stories from everyday life with scripture and it packs a powerful punch.
I really did love this book - it's a keeper!
As a sidenote, my husband has pointed out to me that I love all of the books I have reviewed on my blog, which in his opinion seems unrealistic. So I want to clarify, I do NOT love every book I read. In fact, recently, there was one particular book on the subject of lies that I wanted very much to like, but just could not. So I made a decision at that point that I would much rather spend time recommending books that I truly enjoyed rather than just reviewing everything I read. Books are sometimes a matter of taste, and what appeals to one person may not appeal to another.
Happy Reading!

1 comment:

Susannah said...

I like your review policy! I agree... Why spend the time reviewing a book I can't recommend? :~D

Thanks for the thumbs up on this one.